About the Programme
The Sudanese Programme (originally known as the Sudan Programme) was founded by Ahmed Al-Shahi and Bona Malwal in 2002 with sponsorship from the Middle East Centre and the African Studies Centre at St Antony’s College, University of Oxford.
From its beginning the Programme concerned itself with the civil war in Sudan and the subsequent peace process and has been successful in further knowledge and understanding of Sudan and dialogue between northerners and southerners.
The Programme's remit is above politics, ethnicity and religion.

1-day conference, Oxford
The Roles of Women's and Civil Society Activism in Sudan and South Sudan
Registration essential:
to attend in person please email Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi at namlas159@gmail.com
to attend through ZOOM please register at https://tinyurl.com/TSPprogMarch25
Latest Publication
Sustainable Peace and Future Governance of South Sudan
2022 March

This conference proceedings booklet is available for purchase from The Sudanese Programme; please e-mail Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi to request your copy - proceeds will go directly towards further future publications.

Banner image: The Meroe Pyramids by Retnaw Snellac Photography used under CC BY.
Footer image: Cattle, South Sudan (DSC01829) by Al Jazeera English, used under CC BY.