Sudanese Programme Publications
Sustainable Peace and Future Governance of South Sudan
2022 March
Edited by Ahmed Al-Shahi
This conference proceedings booklet is available for purchase from The Sudanese Programme; please email Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi for details - proceeds will go directly towards further future publications.
Wisdom from the Desert: The Flood Will Come Again
2022 March
The Sudanese Programme is delighted to share this e-book of rare and original folktales collected by Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi and Professor F.C.T. Moore during the late 1960s and early 1970s. This oral tradition is in decline due to the encroachment of the written word. We wanted to record these folktales not only for posterity but also to enrich the younger generation of Sudanese, as part of their heritage and tradition.
© Ahmed Al-Shahi and F.C.T. Moore 2022
Cover photography courtesy of Eric Lafforgue
The Sudanese Programme Record of Achievement 2002–2020
Prepared by Ahmed Al-Shahi
Published in 2020, The Sudanese Programme Book of Achievement is a record of all the conferences and other events hosted by the Programme during its first 18 years since its founding in 2002.
Download your free PDF copy here.
Women Writers of the
Two Sudans
Edited by Ahmed Al-Shahi & Laurent Mignon
Upon the book's publication, the poet Giulio-Enrico Pisani
interviewed Laurent Mignon for the Luxembourgish daily Zeitung vum Lëtzebuerger Vollék. The original interview in French was published on 21 February 2019 and can be read here. The English translation of the interview can be read here.
This book is available for purchase from The Sudanese Programme; please e-mail Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi for details.
A Long Transition into Two States
Edited by Ahmed Al-Shahi & Bona Malwal
The Sudanese Programme in collaboration with Mohamed Omer Beshir Centre for Sudanese Studies, Omdurman Ahlia University, Sudan Currency Printing Press, Omdurman
Papers presented at The Sudanese Programme, St Antony's College, University of Oxford.